Tips For HGV Drivers In The Summer Heat
Though it might not always feel like it, we’re very much still in the throes of summer at the moment. That means that hot and sunny days are still ahead of us, we hope! Spending long stretches of time on the road means you might get hot and bothered, if you don’t take precautionary measures. We have plenty of experience in driving HGVs and working in warehouses, so here are our team’s top tips for HGV drivers to cope with the heat this summer.
Stay hydrated
It’s an obvious one – but there are no downsides to keeping a water bottle close to you at all times. Keeping hydrated has been scientifically linked to positive concentration levels, feelings of alertness, and it even helps keep your mood at a healthy baseline. According to the NHS, you need to be drinking 6-8 cups of water per day.
You’re bound to sweat more on a hot day, so your body will need to be replenished more than usual to make up for this.
So, we suggest investing in a big water bottle so you can go for long journeys without needing a refill. Keep your body hydrated and happy! To keep extra cool, you could even freeze your bottle beforehand to get ice-cold water on the road.
It’s easy to forget that while we’re on the road, our skin is exposed to rays of sunlight for the entirety of our journey. Some experts even speculate that, on cloudy days, we’re actually more likely to burn due to the fact we’re less inclined to wear SPF, leaving UV and UVB rays to penetrate our skin. Those with skin that burns easily, or who have lots of moles or freckles, should take extra care to look after their skin on the road.
So apply your SPF in the morning, but don’t just apply just once and go! To retain the benefits of the sun cream, it should be reapplied every few hours. Remember that the SPF factor (15, 30, 50 etc.) indicates the time it may take before your skin begins to burn. For example, SPF 15 will give you 15 times the number of minutes before you burn than you’d have with no sun protection at all. The more you know!
Use whatever else is available to block out the sun
Sunglasses, a cap, your windscreen visor – use everything at your disposal to keep the sun away from your eyes and body. Not only do you want to do this for safety reasons, but keeping the sun off you as much as possible is bound to make you feel cooler, and happier!
Keep cool, calm and collected
When your body releases adrenaline that sends blood to the muscles, your circulation increases, giving you an unexpected flash of heat. That’s one thing you don’t need on an already hot day! Try and keep calm and collected on the roads. You can keep the stress minimal by being organised and giving yourself plenty of time to go where you need. Being well-rested will also help with this, so get your eight hours at all costs!
Do you have any tips that you think we’ve missed out? Get in touch with us via Twitter and LinkedIn today.